
No apology,I imagine,is necessary for the appear-ance of this translation of Marx's“Misere de laPhilosophie.”On the contrary it is strange that it should not have been published in England before,and that the translation of his monumental work,the“Capital," tardy as that was,should have yet been made before that of a work which was originally published some twenty years before "Capital”first appeared.

lt may be that the translators and editors of the latterwork were of opinion that in view of the comprehensive-ness of "Capita1," a publication of an English editionof the“Misere de la Philosophie”would be a work ofsupererogation.Or it may be that they thought a book sodistinctly French--as the"Capital”may be said to bedistinctly English---and which was,further,exclusivelya criticism of a work of Proudhon's little known inEnglandwould have slight interest for English readers.On the other hand,the groundwork of the theories sofullyelaborated in"Capital,”apart from itsex-haustive analysis of the capitalist system of productionand distribution,will be found in“Misere.”In ad-dition, there are several subjects-notably that of rentdealt with in this volume which are barely touched uponin the single book of" Capital " which has been translatedinto English.

  • Introduction.......................................................................................5
  • Preface.............................................................................................9
  • Author's Preface..............................................................................29
  • Author's Introductory Note...............................................................31
  • CHAPTER I.-A Scientifc Discovery.
  • Section I.--Opposition of Uility Value to Exchange
  • Value................................................................................................33
  • Section II.--Constituted or Synthetic Value......................................46
  • Section III.--Application of the Law of the Proportion
  • of Value- (a) Money..........................................................................85
  • (b) Surplus Labor...............................................................97
  • CHAPTER II.- The Metaphysics of Political Economy.
  • Section I.- The Method....................................................................112
  • Section II.- -The Division of Labor and Machinery..........................138
  • Section III.- -Competition and Monp.............................................. 158
  • Section IV.- Property and R............................................................168
  • Section V.-- -Strikes and the Combination of Workmen.................181
  • Appendix
  • I.- -Proudhon Judged by Marx........................................................193
  • II.- John Gray and his Theory of Labor Notes.................................203
  • III.- Free Trade............................................................................... 208