
"“An eternal being created human society as it is today, and submission to 'superiors'and authority” isimposed on the lower” classes by divine will.”Thissuggestion,coming from pulpit, platform and press,has hypnotized the minds of men and proves to be oneof the strongest plllars of exploitation.

Scientific in-vestigation has revealed long ago that buman socletyis not cast in a stereotyped mould. As organic life onearth assumes different shapes,the result of a suc-cesslon of chemical cbanges, so the group life ofhuman belngs develops different social institutions asa result of inereasing control over environment. espe-cially of produetion of food,clothing and shelter.Such is the message which the works of men likeBachofen,Morgan,Marx, Darwin, and others, broughtto the human race.But this message never reachedthe great mass of bumanity.  In the Unfted Statesthe names of tbese men are practically unknown.Thelr books are either out of prfnt,as is the case withthe fundamental works of Morgan,or they are nottranslated into Engllsh.Only a few of them are ac-cessible to a few individuals on the dusty shelves ofsome public librarles.Their message is dangerous to the existing order. and itwill etage is dangerous tolicity at a time when further intellectual progress of large bodies of men means the doom of the rulingclass.The capitalist system has progressed so far,that all farther progress must bring danger to it andto those who are supreme through it.

  • Translmtor's Preface....................................................5
  • Author's Prefaces...................................................9-26
  • Prehistoric Stages......................................................27
  • The Family..................................................................35
  • The Iroquols Gens....................................................102
  • The Greclan Gens.....................................................120
  • orlgln of the Attic State...............................................131
  • Gens and State in Rome...........................................145
  • The Gens Among Celts and Germans.......................158
  • The Rlse of the State Among Germans.....................176
  • Barbarism and Civilization..........................................191