“一带一路” 国际智库合作联盟研讨会对话集: 」带一路” 建设:融通·创新·可持续发展:Dialogue on S监Road ηrink Tank Association Conference: Bu

Xu Qin: Today, the Silk Road τhink Tank Association Conference

jointly held byα由1a Center for Contemporary World

Studies (CCCWS), Shenzhen Municipal Government and Fudan

University, will be staged here.咀1e conference has attracted

more than 120 former high-level government officials, experts

and scholars from more than 40 countries and regions to come

together to join the discussion under the topic of B回lding the

Belt and Road: Connection, Innovation and Sustainable Development.

咀ris is of great画gnificance to enhancing cooperation

between也ink tanks in countries and regions along the Belt and

Road, promoting the communication between different cultures

and civilizations and helping the Communist Party ofα由1a to

carry forward the development of the Belt and Road hritiative

to realize the great vision of peaceful development and cooperation.

Now, let’s wekαne Mr.Ma泊ngr回, Deputy Party Secretary

of Guangdong Provincial Committee and Party Secretary

of Sh臼tzhen Municipal Committee to give us a speech.

  • 民-eface
  • Contents • • 001
  • ..
  • Building the Belt and Road: Connection, Innovation and Sustainable
  • Development
  • -Silk Road ’Think Tank Association Conference
  • ( Feb. 22nd - 24由,2016) ............................................. 1
  • Opening Ceremony and Plenary Se帽ion
  • Panel I
  • Fae血tating Multi-dimensional Conn创世世ty …………· · · ... · · · 71
  • c。nnectivity is integral to the building of the Belt and Road. It includes not only
  • the physical connection of infrast『uctures, the soft connection of 『ules and
  • regulations, but also the connection between people. This topic is specified into
  • the following questions: what are the main sphe『es of connectivity concerned by
  • countries along the Belt and Road? What are the bottlenecks and weak points of
  • connectivity? How to remove the impediments to connectivity? What are the
  • effective means to p「omote cultu阳I exchanges, mull』自I learning between
  • civilizations, and common p『ogress?
  • Part One ……... .. . .………. .......…………. . . . . ....…………… 79
  • Part Two ……………………………………………………… 114
  • Panel II
  • Enhancing Development Plans Integration • • • • • ·……... . . . ... 147
  • count「ies along the Belt and Road. Such integrations a「e essential to the building
  • of community of destiny, deepening regional cooperation and gl。balization. 节,is
  • topic is specified into the following questions: What are the system and policy
  • barriers to trade and investment cooperation between count『ies at p「esent? What
  • a「e the overlapping interests and cooperation opportunities between economies
  • of di忏ering degrees of development? How to further promote the integration of
  • development plans? How 臼n think tanks and 『esearch institutions play a positive
  • 『ole in the process?
  • Part One ………..............……...............…………....... 155
  • Part Two …..............……...............…….............……193
  • Panel ill
  • Promoting Green and Innovative Development …........……· 227
  • Being g『een, ecologi臼lly friendly, and conducive to environment p『otection
  • are among the c「ucial concepts to be followed in building the Belt and Road. And
  • innovati。n is the f。untainhead for sustainable development. This t。pie is specified
  • into the following questions: What are the issues that should be paid a忧ention to
  • in inte『national productivity cooperation? How to do a good job in environmental
  • protection in the p「ocess of indust「ialization? How to coordinate all sides to jointly
  • st「engthen cooperation in environmental protection? How to walk out a lowca
  • 「bon, green , environment-f『iendly, sustainable road of development fo「
  • 『eference in the building of the Belt and Road?
  • Part One …...............................................…………· 235
  • Part Two …..............…….......………….........…………264
  • Wrap-up and Closing Ceremony ······….................……· 285