中国、英国、美国开放式基金的法律制度 = Regulation of Open-Ended Funds under UK, US and Chinese Law—Issues of Conflicts

Why Study the Regulation of Open-Ended Funds?

This question invites a positive response in a financial age, especially

when the financial markets witness that open-ended funds have thrived

in the UK, the USA and China recently. They become a matter of serious

concern due to conflicts of interest, which are deeply embedded in both

internal organizations of open-ended funds and their market behaviours.

Nowadays, the regulation of open-ended funds has become even more

central in regulating and fostering financial industry and it has been a more

and more important subject in the area of financial law.

  • List of Abbreviation / VI
  • Preface / 01
  • Introduction / 04
  • Chapter 1 The Nature and Importance of Open-Ended
  • Funds / 001
  • 1. The Nature of Open-Ended Funds / 002
  • 1.1 The Nature of Open-Ended Funds in the UK / 002
  • 1.2 The Nature of Open-Ended Funds in the USA / 015
  • 1.3 The Nature of Open-Ended Funds in China / 017
  • 2. The Importance of Open-Ended Funds in the Modern World / 024
  • Chapter 2 Conflicts of Interest / 028
  • 1. The Nature of Conflicts of Interest within Open-Ended Funds / 029
  • 1.1 Divergence of Interest in Corporate Governance / 029
  • 1.2 Market Behaviours Tainted by Conflicts of Interest in the
  • Financial Markets / 046
  • 2. Possible Remedies / 055
  • 2.1 Enhanced Corporate Governance / 056
  • 2.2 Enhanced External Supervision / 058
  • Chapter 3 Regulation of Open-Ended Funds in the UK / 060
  • 1. Internal Corporate Governance in the UK / 060
  • 1.1 Fiduciary Duty Imposed by Case Law / 060
  • 1.2 General Duties of Trustees Imposed by Statutes / 067
  • 1.3 Chinese Wall / 073
  • 1.4 Separation of Business / 074
  • 1.5 General Meeting of Fund Holders / 075
  • 1.6 Disclosure / 076
  • 2. External Supervision in the UK / 077
  • 2.1 The Limitation of Objects of Open-Ended Funds’ Investment / 077
  • 2.2 Market Abuse / 080
  • 2.3 Regulator / 091
  • Chapter 4 Regulation of Conflicts of Interest in the USA / 098
  • 1. The Board of Directors / 099
  • 1.1 Election of Directors / 100
  • 1.2 Independent Directors / 101
  • 2. Fiduciary Duties / 107
  • 2.1 Fiduciary Duties under Section 36 of the Investment Company
  • Act 1940 / 108
  • 2.2 Lack of Guidance / 109
  • 2.3 Cases Corresponding to Section 36 / 110
  • 3. Restrictions of Affiliated Transactions / 121
  • 3.1 Who Are Affiliated Persons of A Registered Investment
  • Company? / 122
  • 3.2 Affiliate Transactions with Affiliated Persons Themselves / 127
  • 3.3 Joint Transactions with Affiliated Persons / 128
  • 3.4 Brokerage or Agency Transactions with Affiliated Persons / 128
  • 3.5 Underwriting by Affiliated Persons / 129
  • 4. Regulation of Insider Trading (Personal Trading) / 129
  • 4.1 The Definition of Insider (Access Person) / 130
  • 4.2 Regulation of Personal Trading / 130
  • 4.3 Report Insiders’ Personal Securities Holdings and Transactions / 132
  • 4.4 Review of Reports / 134
  • 4.5 Pre-Clearance of Investment in IPOs and Limited Offerings / 134
  • 4.6 Recordkeeping and Public Disclosure / 135
  • 4.7 The SEC’s Action / 135
  • Chapter 5 Internal Corporate Governance of Open-Ended
  • Funds in China and Proposals for Reform / 136
  • 1. Ownership Structure / 136
  • 1.1 Drawbacks of the Existing Ownership Structure / 136
  • 1.2 Should Banks, Securities Companies or Trust Companies Be the
  • Holding Shareholders of the Fund Management Company? / 137
  • 1.3 Which Type of Ownership Structure Is Better for An Efficient and
  • Reliable Legal Form of open-Ended Fund in China, Ownership
  • Concentration or Ownership Dispersion? / 139
  • 1.4 Conclusion / 140
  • 2. Independent Directors / 140
  • 2.1 Ratio of Independent Directors / 141
  • 2.2 Reviewing the Management Fees / 143
  • 2.3 Reviewing the Affiliate Transactions / 145
  • 3. Chinese Wall / 145
  • 4. Affiliate Transactions / 146
  • 4.1 The Definition of Affiliated Persons / 146
  • 4.2 Restrictions on Affiliate Transactions / 151
  • 5. Legal Remedies / 152
  • 5.1 Fund Holder’s Direct Action / 153
  • 5.2 Fund Holder’s Derivative Action / 155
  • 5.3 The Function of the General Meeting of the Fund Holders / 161
  • Chapter 6 External Supervision of Open-Ended Funds in
  • China and Proposals for Reform / 162
  • 1. The Limitation of Objects of Open-Ended Funds’ Investment / 163
  • 1.1 Limitations on the Types of Investment Objects / 163
  • 1.2 Limitations on the Proportion of Investment / 164
  • 1.3 Proposal for Limitation on the Amount of Investment Capital of
  • Open-Ended Funds / 165
  • 2. Market Abuse / 168
  • 2.1 Insider Dealing / 169
  • 2.2 Divulging Inside Information / 183
  • 2.3 Counseling Others to Purchase or Sell Securities / 184
  • 2.4 Market Manipulation / 185
  • 2.5 Liabilities / 194
  • 2.6 Other Market Abusive Measures Such as Herding / 197
  • 3. Regulator / 208
  • 3.1 Investigation by the CSRC / 209
  • 3.2 A Brief Image of the Regulator in the Future / 210
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion / 211
  • Bibliography / 215
  • Acknowledgements / 229