

  • 版权信息
  • 编委
  • 卷首语
  • 第三届中英马克思主义美学双边论坛专辑马克思主义的美学与文艺学
  • 中国悲剧观念:理论传统及其当代意义
  • 对我国马克思主义文艺理论研究的哲学反思
  • 实践美学元范畴的反思
  • 马克思视域下艺术的终结—转型诸论批判
  • 论东欧新马克思主义对反映论美学模式的批判
  • 实践论美学的发展与人生论美学的构建
  • 大众文化的另一种解读
  • 论精神消费的现实性
  • 中国马克思主义美学史研究
  • 社会主义思潮译入中国的思想基础和早期历程
  • 抗战时期中国化语境中的马克思主义文论译介
  • 思想资源与政治语境的对接——瞿秋白与列宁文艺理论关系研究
  • 自然的理由与自然美的困顿——蔡仪自然美说初探
  • 李长之与中国文艺美学的“现代”建构
  • 马克思主义文艺理论与中国民族文化的融合
  • 域外来稿
  • 威廉·莫里斯、弗里德里克·杰姆逊和乌托邦问题
  • 将宪章派诗歌星座化:杰拉德·麦西、瓦尔特·本雅明与弥赛亚主义的用途
  • 欢迎来到真实的荒漠
  • 小说的音乐化:作为音乐-文学媒介间性的特殊例子——《小说的音乐化:媒介间性理论和历史研究》绪论
  • 学术访谈
  • 身为公共知识分子——刘康教授访谈
  • 朱莉亚·克里斯蒂娃谈米哈伊尔·巴赫金
  • 现代西方美学理论研究
  • 齐美尔“距离”观念的多维向度
  • 对同一性的否定和抗拒——阿多诺批判理论中的生存论解读
  • 马克思主义与当代审美批评
  • 1920年代上海/海上的反/乌托邦小说——文学城市空间的“情感结构”及辩证诠释
  • 舌尖上的罪恶——《酒国》的生态批评
  • 血缘观念与悲剧——电影《赵氏孤儿》的悲剧性研究
  • “拥抱”全人类的交响曲——浅析贝多芬第三、五、九交响曲
  • “津辉讲坛”及其他
  • 肩起马克思主义美学理论的时代使命——第三届中英马克思主义美学双边论坛会议综述
  • “中西知识论与诠释学:理论与实践”国际学术研讨会综述
  • 第四届中英马克思主义美学双边论坛通告(第1号)
  • The Third Sino-British Forum on Marxist Aesthetics Marxist Aesthetics and Theories of Literature and Arts
  • The Chinese Conception of Tragedy: Marxist Aesthetics and Its Future
  • A Philosophic Reflection on the Chinese Research in Marxist Literary and Artistic Theories
  • A Reflection on the Primary Category of Practical Aesthetics
  • Critique of the Termination-Transformation of Art from the Perspective of Marxism
  • On the Eastern European Neo-Marxist Critique of Reflective Aesthetics Paradigm
  • The Development of Practical Aesthetics and the Construction of Life Aesthetics
  • Another Interpretation of Mass Culture
  • On the Realistic Representations of Spiritual Consumption
  • Research on Marxist Aesthetics in China
  • The Ideological Basis and Early Stage of the Introduction of Socialist Thoughts into China via Translation
  • The Translation of Marxist Literary Theories in China during the Anti-Japanese War
  • The Docking of Thought Resources and Political Context:The Connection between Qu Qiubai and Lenin Literary and Artistic Theories
  • The Sensibility of Natural Being and the Embarrassment of Natural Beauty: Cai Yi's Theory of Natural Beauty
  • Li Changzhi and “Modern” Construction of Chinese Aesthetics of Literature and Arts
  • The Integration of Marxist Literary and Artistic Theories with Chinese National Culture
  • Overseas Contributions
  • William Morris Fredric Jameson and the Issue of Utopia
  • Constellating Chartist Poetry: Gerald Massey Walter Benjamin and the Uses of Messianism
  • Welcome to the Desert of the Real
  • A Special Case of Musical-Literary Intermediality: Introduction to The Musicalization of Fiction: Theory of Intermediality and Research in History
  • Scholastic Interviews
  • Being a Public Intellectual: Liu Kang Interviewed
  • About Mikhail Bakhtin
  • Research in Contemporary Western Aesthetics
  • The Multiple Dimensions of Simmel's “Distance”
  • Negating and Resisting Identity: An Explication of Theodor Adorno's Critical Theory on Existence
  • Marxism and Contemporary Aesthetic Criticism
  • Anti-/Utopia Novels in Shanghai in the 1920s: A Dialectical Interpretation of “The Structure of Feeling” of the Urban Space in Literature
  • The Evil on the Tip of Tongue: An Ecological Criticism of The Republic of Wine
  • Blood Relationship and Tragedy: A Case Study of The Sacrifice
  • Symphonies That Embrace the Humanity: On Beethoven's Symphony No.3 5 and 9
  • 《马克思主义美学研究》投稿须知
  • 《马克思主义美学研究》投稿格式